National Postal Workers Day – Wednesday 29th April

National Postal Workers Day

The Communication Workers Union have announced that the ninth annual National Postal Workers Day will be held on Wednesday the 29th of April.

We are all reliant on our Posties in one form or another, even if it’s just for Christmas, Birthday, Valentines and Mother’s day cards. At the moment however their services are more vital than ever connecting the nation and ensuring for many that they can still obtain vital supplies.

For many merchants, the postal service is the only thing keeping them in business during the coronavirus crisis, so this year more then ever the annual acknowledgement of the role postal workers play in communities across the UK has never been better timed with CWU members and other postal workers going above and beyond the call of duty to keep every Village, Town and City in the UK connected.

Members of the public are asked to mark the day by saying a simple ‘thank you’ to your local postie or join the celebration on social media using #PostalWorkersDay

Make sure that if you have a postal collection next Wednesday on National Postal Workers Day, have a delivery and see your postie, or pass one in the street when you’re out for your daily exercise or weekly shop, that you give them a cheery wave hello and let them know how much you appreciate them.

from Ecommerce – Tamebay

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