Social Media Events in April 2020

As we head into April 2020, it’s getting warmer and warmer (or at least it is here in Lancashire) which should give you lots of opportunities for photos to use in your social media content which will give a bit of variety to your current feeds. There are a lot more events to choose from too as we get further away from the January Sales and Valentine’s Day content that dominates social media and into more varied content, allowing you to pick and choose the best trending material to align your brand with.

Remember too that as there’s a Bank Holiday Weekend this month, that you will need to create some information both on your online shop and on your social media to advise your customers of your trading hours over that weekend, and any potential impacts to delivery and shipping times if applicable.

If you’ve only just joined this series of blog posts, back in December 2018 I wrote about how to automate your social media which would enable you to free yourself up and spend more time running your online business and less time glued to your phone trying to stick to a solely ‘post-as-you-go’ social media strategy.

Starting in January (which I recommend you have a read through), I’ve provided a list of the social media events expected to be trending that month a few weeks early, allowing you to plan your social media content ahead of time.

Business posts are, as you can imagine, status updates, tweets or Instagram posts which are primarily concerned with promoting your online shop and product lines. If you can’t relate your products to the event, then you need to make a personal post, which still fits in with the event, but is more about allowing your followers to get to know you and the people behind your online business.

You don’t have to get involved with every single event – although it would be ideal if you did – as the more you take part, the more you can organically grow your social media following and attract new customers, raising awareness of your brand and your products both locally and online.

The Event: Stress Awareness Month
Date: All of April
What you could do for a Business post: If your products help people de-stress – such as essential oils, personal care or herbal medication – or they help make folks’ lives less stressful, like useful apps, planners or similar, then you can easily get on board with this event by posting product images, Boomerangs and flatlays of your most applicable product lines.
What you could do for a Personal post: What do you do to de-stress yourself? Share an image representing your go-to cure, or alternatively talk to your followers about what stresses them out and what their coping mechanisms are to begin a conversation about stress, both in and out of the workplace.

The Event: National Pet Month
Date: All of April
What you could do for a Business post: If pet owners are your target demographic, then check out the official website where you’ll find useful resources to help you get involved with this event.
What you could do for a Personal post: If you own a pet, or have done in the past, you could post photos of your pet and encourage your followers to do the same to begin a conversation about our favourite four-legged friends.

The Event: April Fool’s Day
Date: 1st April
What you could do for a Business post: If your business premises allow for it, practical jokes and hoaxes can be done – and don’t forget video evidence to share on social media – up until 12 noon. Otherwise, if your online shop sells joke based products, aim to promote these around a week before and during the run-up to the day itself. This would also be a good time to promote those products.
What you could do for a Personal post: If you’re ‘of a certain age’ you could make posts all about the most famous April Fool’s Day hoaxes of years gone by, including the BBC’s spaghetti trees. Otherwise, if you’re not into playing pranks yourself, share with your followers pranks that were played on you in previous years to encourage conversation.

The Event: International Children’s Book Day
Date: 2nd April
What you could do for a Business post: If your online shop sells children’s books or toys of characters from well-known children’s books, then you can get on board with this event around a week beforehand and during the days leading up to the day itself. This would also be a good time to run offers on any of the more popular children’s book lines too.
What you could do for a Personal post: When you were a child, what was your favourite book? Post about it and what you enjoyed about it, to open up a conversation with your target demographic. If you still have a copy hidden somewhere in the house, be sure to include it in a photo.

The Event: Walk To Work Day
Date: 3rd April
What you could do for a Business post: This event can be applied to lots of different kinds of products; from clothing to keep you comfortable whilst you walk to work, to apps that help you track your progress and keep you amused. If your products can be linked to this event, then you need to join in with photos of the products in use where possible.
What you could do for a Personal post: If you walk to work on this day, make a video or at least share some photos of the different things you’ve noticed that you would otherwise miss if you were in the car or taking public transport.

The Event: International Carrot Day
Date: 4th April
What you could do for a Business post: If your online shop sells anything carrot-related, such as kitchen peelers, soups, recipe books and similar, get involved with this event by posting flatlays of the most applicable products in your range.
What you could do for a Personal post: Did you know that carrots weren’t originally orange, and were modified to be so by the Dutch? Well, now you do! They also don’t make you see in the dark but they can make you orange if you eat too many! These and other ‘carrot facts’ can be shared on this day if you don’t make carrot soup, a carrot cake or at least pay homage to Bugs Bunny.

The Event: International Pillow Fight Day
Date: 6th April
What you could do for a Business post: If your online shop sells pillows and bedding, you should use beautiful product images to promote this event and encourage your followers to upgrade their pillows and use the old ones for a pillow fight. If your business premises allow for it, you could even go as far as organising a local pillow fight – or attend the huge version in London if you’re close enough!
What you could do for a Personal post: If you can’t have a pillow fight with anyone on this day to create some photos and videos to share on social media, then a Google search will reveal some of the content created for previous years’ events which you will be able to talk about on your own profiles.

The Event: World Health Day
Date: 7th April
What you could do for a Business post: The main topics of this event include climate change, mental health and maternal and child care. If any of your product lines can be related to this event and its causes would be of interest to your target customer demographic, then it’s important that you take part to show that as a business you too are aware of these issues.
What you could do for a Personal post: If you have a reasonably active lifestyle, then share what hobbies you do – such as running, hiking, yoga and so on – that help you maintain your health to encourage your followers to do the same.

The Event: National Siblings Day
Date: 10th April
What you could do for a Business post: If your online shop sells products for children – especially matching outfits which would be suitable for siblings – or gifts for all ages, this is a good event to take part in. You could even run a promotion on some products a couple of days before the event to encourage your customers to celebrate their sibling and get them a gift to say they’re appreciated.
What you could do for a Personal post: If your products cannot be applied to this event, simply look through your photos and post one of you and your sibling – the older and more nostalgic, the better! If you’re an only child, you could make a post about the joys of being an only child, or instead, who you wished had been your sibling to encourage conversation with your followers.

The Event: Good Friday
Date: 10th April
What you could do for a Business Post: Obviously hot cross buns are the order of the day on Good Friday, so treat your staff to a plate of them for breakfast to get a good team photo. If your products cannot be related to Good Friday, it would be worth doing a spot of research for any events for this day and the Easter Weekend that are taking place in your locality. You could simply advertise these on your own social media – which is a good way of increasing your brand awareness locally – and ideally, attend these events to do some networking and make photographs which can be shared on social media.
What you could do for a Personal Post: What are you doing for Easter Weekend? Share this with your followers, tagging in any local events and some nice flatlays of hot cross buns or painted eggs.

The Event: Easter Sunday
Date: 12th April
What you could do for a Business Post: If your online shop sells items that are related to children, it’s important that you make a post for this day, which can be as simple as creating a nice graphic using Canva to wish all of your customers a happy Easter.
What you could do for a Personal Post: Share what you’re doing for Easter Sunday: Are there children about – will you be going on an Easter Egg hunt or painting eggs? If there aren’t children, are you cooking a traditional roast dinner or going out walking? Take photos and share these online, to encourage your followers to share their Easter Sundays too.

The Event: Easter Monday
Date: 13th April

What you could do for a Business Post: As a company, you may be working on the day but for many, this means an extra day off work. With this in mind, if you sell products typically associated with long weekends, family days out and the outdoors, it would be good to promote these items for a week beforehand ideally, as part of an Easter Weekend offer to encourage sales.
What you could do for a Personal Post: What are you planning to do with your extra day off? Whatever you do, don’t forget to take some photos or video to share with your followers, particularly if you’ve gone exploring or tried out a new activity.

The Event: Thai New Year
Date: 13th April
What you could do for a Business post: Also known as Songkran, Thai New Year consists of people going outside with water guns and coloured powders (which smell a lot like Vick’s Vaporub, strangely) and spraying everyone they meet with water before dabbing them with powder. Whilst this is common in Thailand where the climes are a lot more conducive to water fights that last for days, if you sell anything vaguely Thai-related, or water guns, then this is a fun event you should take part in.
What you could do for a Personal post: If you’ve been to Thailand, share your best holiday photos, especially if you’ve been during Songkran and were ‘blessed’ by the locals too!

The Event: National Stationery Week
Date: 20th-26th April
What you could do for a Business post: Obviously if you retail stationery, then you need to create some flatlays of your products and post this each day during the event, which will be a fantastic way to really show off your product range.
What you could do for a Personal post: It’s quite trendy to be a stationery addict these days, and there are whole social media accounts dedicated to admiring pens, notebooks, diaries, bullet journals and even desk organisation. Share pictures of your own desk, or your favourite bits of stationery to start a conversation, or suggest to your followers that they recommend you with the best stationery to help you behind the scenes of your online business.

The Event: Queen Elizabeth’s 94th Birthday
Date: 21st April
What you could do for a Business Post: At the time of writing, the page on the official Royal Family website regarding the Queen’s birthday is four years out of date. That said, if you’re a royalist anyway, no doubt you’ll be aware of Her Majesty’s activities this year as the event draws closer. Obviously, if your online shop sells anything related to the Royal Family, such as china tea sets, for example, you need to get these items promoted before the day.
What you could do for a Personal Post: If you’re a royalist, be sure to use your social media profiles to wish Her Majesty a very happy 94th birthday and thank her for being the world’s most famous nana.

The Event: National Tea Day
Date: 21st April
What you could do for a Business post: If you sell related items, such as fresh tea, teapots, cups and saucers, then this is an ideal event for you to take part in. Start promoting the event a couple of days beforehand and don’t forget to include flatlays and product images of your related products. It’s also worth checking out Festeaval, which is held in London the week before for some inspiration for your social media.
What you could do for a Personal post: Start conversations with your followers – ask them about their favourite cuppa, share a photo of your favourite trusty mug, or try an unusual tea flavour on the day – which can be made into an Instagram Story or video – to share on social media.

The Event: Earth Day
Date: 22nd April
What you could do for a Business Post: The theme for Earth Day 2020 is climate action. You can read more about this on the official website where you can also register to host your own Earth Day event – ideal if it is something that you want to align with your brand and your products.
What you could do for a Personal Post: What are you personally doing to take action on climate change? Talk about this with your followers – using the relevant hashtags of course – to start a conversation.

The Event: National Stop Snoring Week
Date: 22nd-26th April
What you could do for a Business post: Obviously, products that can help someone get a good night’s sleep such as pillows, bedding, beds, anti-snoring treatments, essential oils and so on need to be promoted in your posts for this event. As this event is five days long you need to create as much content as possible if these kinds of products are the main purpose of your online shop.
What you could do for a Personal post: Snoring can be a funny subject for some and a nightmare for others, but it’s a topic everyone has an opinion on! You can share your experiences of snorers – whether it’s you, a partner or a friend – and what you did to combat the issue, if anything. This should encourage your followers to interact with you and share their experiences.

The Event: International Mother Earth Day
Date: 22nd April
What you could do for a Business post: The official website is packed full of resources to help you get involved with this event if it’s conducive to your online shop and your target customer demographic.
What you could do for a Personal post: You should visit the official website where you can find videos to share about this event and talk to your followers about what they’re doing to keep Mother Earth happy and respect the world we live in.

The Event: St. George’s Day (English)
Date: 23rd April
What you could do for a Business post: If you can relate any products to this event, then do so, but the connection must not be tenuous. Otherwise, it’s worth doing a spot of research for any events for this day that are taking place in your locality. You could simply advertise these on your own social media – which is a good way of increasing your brand awareness locally – and ideally, attend these events to do some networking and make photographs which can be shared on social media.
What you could do for a Personal post: If you have children, you could make a post about what they are doing at school or nursery to celebrate St. George’s Day or alternatively, post about any local events as advised above.

The Event: World Book Night
Date: 23rd April
What you could do for a Business post: If you sell books or book accessories such as Bagabooks (  ) and Book Chairs, then this is the ideal event for you to take part in. You could also ask your staff to bring in their favourite or current reads to enable you to take photos to share on social media. This event has a dedicated Twitter account too, so you should be able to find some inspiration from previous years on there too.
What you could do for a Personal post: Take a photo of the cover or either your favourite book or what you’re reading at the moment. You could even take a #shelfie ( a photo of your favourite books on a shelf ) and encourage your followers to do the same, as well as recommending any titles to you to read.

The Event: World Penguin Day
Date: 25th April
What you could do for a Business post: If you have products that have a penguin motif, then create some images of the products in use or flatlays to add to social media today to target penguins fans in your customer demographic.
What you could do for a Personal post: If you visited the zoo as a child and stood next to the penguins, then this is an ideal time to share that nostalgic photo!

The Event: UK Coffee Week
Date: 27th April – 3rd May
What you could do for a Business post: The aim of UK Coffee Week is to bring clean water to coffee-growing communities. The official website is full of resources and will let you know how you can take part in this charity event.
What you could do for a Personal post: If you can’t live without coffee, make posts about your favourite, or the best way to make a brew and your favourite mug. If there are any local UK Coffee Week events nearby, attend these and take photos to share and show your support.

The Event: National Gardening Week
Date: 27th April – 3rd May
What you could do for a Business post: Obviously if you sell gardening products, plants and supplies, you need to create lots of content for this event. It’s also a good idea to have created some blog posts to publish each day for Gardening Week too – perhaps teach beginners the best way to plat out their beds or select plants for different times of the year? A week’s worth of blog posts advertised a week or so beforehand would encourage new visitors to your blog and therefore your online shop, and releasing a new post per day gives them a reason to return and allow you to impart your product knowledge to your target market.
What you could do for a Personal post: If you’re a keen gardener, share photos of your hard work on this day to encourage your followers to do the same, which may start conversations about the best plants and methods to use themselves. If you’re not a keen gardener, then take a photo of whatever you have garden-wise and ask your followers to make suggestions a to what you can do to make it look better.

The Event: World Day for Health & Safety at Work
Date: 28th April
What you could do for a Business post: There’s an official website for this event where you can find a wealth of resources to help you promote your business – especially important if you have your own staff and premises – to show your followers that you take the safety and care of your team seriously.
What you could do for a Personal post: There’s lots of health and safety ‘fail’ images and videos online ( such as within this subreddit ) that you can share with your followers, but be sure to keep the tone light.

The Event: International Dance Day
Date: 29th April
What you could do for a Business post: Held on the birthday of ballet’s creator Jean-Georges Noverre, international dance day is a fantastic time to promote discounts on dance related products such as leotards, shoes and accessories.
What you could do for a Personal post: When you were a child, did you go dancing classes, or were you part of a Butlins dancing competition? Do you know your Agadoo from your Superman and more importantly, is there photo or video evidence of it? If so, share it on this day to give your followers a chuckle.

The Event: International Jazz Day
Date: 30th April
What you could do for a Business post: If you sell musical instruments and equipment or vinyl, then this is the event to get involved with. Equally, if you sell any art which depicts jazz greats like Ella Fitz Gerald, John Coltrane or similar, then these products will do well too. Create images of the products being used and displayed in natural settings to share on your social media. There is an official Twitter account for this event and an official website so if you and your target customer demographic love this genre, then the website will be able to provide you with lots of inspiration both before the event and on the day itself.
What you could do for a Personal post: If you like Jazz, then the website link above is all you need to get inspired. However, if you don’t like jazz, why not try it for the day and post about what you liked and what you didn’t.

Next month, we’ll be publishing a list of events that are due to run during May 2020 so you can plan ahead for that month too – be sure to subscribe to our blog so you get a notification of when the next month of our Social Media Calendar is published.

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The post Social Media Events in April 2020 appeared first on Ecommerce Blog.

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