Online retail is still open and encouraged during Coronavirus lockdown

online retail

There have been many questions already as to whether marketplace sellers can continue to operate. The advice from Government is clear – Online retail is still open and encouraged.

“On 23 March the Government, stepped up measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus and save lives. All non-essential premises must now close. Takeaway and delivery services may remain open and operational in line with guidance on Friday 20 March. Online retail is still open and encouraged and postal and delivery service will run as normal.”
Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government

That being the case, each online retail business should consider how they keep themselves and their staff safe. It may be that you take the difficult decision to close down your business for the next few weeks or months, or you may decide to continue. Closing may even be enforced if you run out of staff – for some this will be because they can’t safely travel to work or have children to look after and sadly inevitably for some it will be through illness.

There are two polarising views on the decision to keep online retail open by the government. Some take the view that their goods are non-essential and by offering them for sale they are inevitably adding to the risk of spreading the virus and no matter how small a risk it’s a step they believe morally no one should take. Others point out that with millions of people now stuck at home, many of whom have already demonstrated an idiotic inability to comply with stay at home advice, that there’s a need to keep people occupied and online shopping offers the solution. Everyone will have their own opinion.

If your business remains open, read:

from Ecommerce – Tamebay

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