It’s time to take Coronavirus seriously


Today Boris Johnson confirmed that the UK is moving from the contain phase to the delay phase of the Coronavirus pandemic. He was very direct, emphasising the seriousness of the Virus as much more virulent than the common Flu. He was also very blunt to point out that although there have only been 10 deaths many more loved ones will die. He went on to say that the true number of cases were many thousands more than the official figure of 596 and much more of the countries population will become infected. There is nothing the Government or NHS can do to stop the spread and the main aim now is to delay instances as long as possible into the warmer months of the year where there are less flu and respiratory illnesses, giving the NHS a better chance at helping those most affected.

Realistically a large percentage of the population will become infected with Coronavirus and the worst case estimation is at 80%. A number of measures are likely to be introduced including future quarantine of entire households where just one person is infected. Currently the government have announced 4 key steps and it is certainly time to start planning how your business will cope.

  • UK to move into delay stage to tackle Coronavirus.
  • Elderly people in poor health to stay at home.
  • All international school trips to be cancelled.
  • Only people in hospital two be tested. (People coming from abroad will no longer be tested as localised outbreaks are impossible to contain anyway.)
  • Everyone exhibiting flu like symptoms such as a fever of persistent cough will be asked to self isolate.

Start to prepare your business for the Coronavirus

For your business, it is time to seriously consider sending certain members of staff off to work remotely from home. This not only reduced the risk of infection spreading in the workplace but also on their commute. Warehouse staff will obviously have to come into work for your business to continue running but staff members working in Customer Support, Accounting, SEO, Amazon sponsored listing and eBay promoted listing optimisation, Staff listing new items and almost anyone who’s main work is computer based.

Businesses big or small can be impacted by the spread of the Virus so make sure you’re taking all action needed for the survival of your company.

from Ecommerce – Tamebay

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