Courier roles top list of open vacancies in UK jobs market

Courier roles top list of open vacancies in UK jobs market

A new report by Quadrotech has analysed the UK job market to reveal the most in-demand jobs of 2020 to find that courier roles top the list with over 188,000 vacancies a month in a trend which looks set to continue throughout 2021.

By analysing UK job listings on Adzuna over the past year, the report looked at the number of vacancies and the salaries on offer to find out which industries had the highest growth and which job roles are the most and least in-demand, to forecast what jobs of the future might look like.

The growth in the number of vacant courier roles should be no real surprise as we are all sitting at home with non-essential shops shut for much of the year and we’re almost all buying significantly more online than ever before. Still however, the scale of the open jobs for courier roles is exceptional and if you’re looking for a new venture it is the one bright spot in an otherwise devastating pandemic.




1 Courier 188,590
2 Sales 109,390
3 Customer Services 96,261
4 Teacher 54,740
5 Project Manager 54,515
6 Cleaner 41,584
7 Government Worker 37,289
8 Mechanic 30,756
9 Electrician 27,887
10 Software Developer 20,152

Courier roles are the new ‘essential’

The Coronavirus lockdown has brought a whole new meaning to the word ‘essential’ as couriers are the most in-demand jobs of 2020. Across the UK, residents are ordering online to ensure delivery of their goods causing an increase in job roles with over 188,000 monthly vacancies – as companies like Amazon’s profits continue to rise.

While businesses focus on continuing trade, the demand for sales roles has also increased as companies ramp up their techniques with nearly 110,000 monthly vacancies.

Other jobs in high demand were positions such as Cleaners (41,584) as hygiene comes to the fore-front, Customer Service roles (96,261) and Electricians (27,887).

It’s no surprise that essential workers also make the top 10 as Teachers and Government Workers remain in demand.

One job role that’s significantly increased as a result of the coronavirus lockdown is mental health counsellors. With increased awareness and discussion of practising self-care and talking openly about mental health and wellbeing, vacancies for Mental Health

Counsellors have risen a massive 671% in the past year. Salaries for the role have also increased as the position comes more in demand, rising by 47.4% as the salary nearly doubles from £28,906 to £42,619.

The biggest decrease in job vacancies has bee for the hard hit travel agents where opportunities are 87% down, closely followed by Chefs with an 81% decrease in open offers.

The post Courier roles top list of open vacancies in UK jobs market appeared first on Tamebay.

from Ecommerce – Tamebay

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